Standards Quizzes
Check your understanding of some of our most popular standards with these quizzes. Exclusive for Premium and Elite members!
You’ll earn 2 RUs for each successfully completed quiz.

Review your knowledge of the CEA/CEDIA/INFOCOMM J-STD-710, Audio, Video and Control Architectural Drawing Symbols Standard.
Free Premium and Elite members

Review your knowledge of the AVIXA A102.01:2017, Audio Coverage Uniformity in Listener Areas Standard.
Free for Premium and Elite members

Review your knowledge of the AVIXA A10:2013 Audiovisual Systems Performance Verification Standard.
Free for Premium and Elite members

Review your knowledge of the AVIXA F501.01:2015 Cable Labeling for Audiovisual Systems Standard.
Free for Premium and Elite members

Review your knowledge of the AVIXA V202.01:2016, Display Image Size for 2D Content in Audiovisual Systems Standard.
Free for Premium and Elite members

Review your knowledge of the ANSI/AVIXA V201.01:2021, Image System Contrast Ratio Standard.
Free for Premium and Elite members

Review your knowledge of the Rack Building for Audiovisual Systems Standard.
Free for Premium and Elite members

Review your knowledge of the Rack Design for Audiovisual Systems Standard.
Free for Premium and Elite members
How are you using AV standards? Share your story with the AV community.

A Behind-the Scenes Look at AVIXA’s New Rack Design Standard
AVIXA’s Rack Design for Audiovisual Systems standard completes the pair of standards aimed at formalizing guidelines for efficient design and integration of racks in AV systems. In this story, to co-moderators of the task group for this standard offer some insight into the new standard and how it was developed.

Volunteer Spotlight
Hear from Kenneth Ng, Chief Executive Officer, Mojoworx Asia Limited Hong Kong, a task group member on the new Rack Design standard. He shares his rewarding experience of working on standards development — including the friendships.