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8 search results for mortati

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Artist and Designer Maria Mortati Contemplates Shared Experiences in This New World

We need shared experiences to be fully human. In this moment, it becomes even more useful with the social distancing due to COVID and the social divisions we are experiencing. 


Using All the Senses | TIDE Generator Podcast: Ep. 10


As museums begin to reopen at limited capacity with safety protocols in place, most of the usual ways of connecting are eliminated, and we’re getting a chance to see what can move people on a sensory level, even with these limitations in place. TIDE Generator Host Kirsten Nelson talks with two renowned museum exhibit experience designers and technologists, Sasha Harris-Cronin, Principal, BBI Engineering and Maria Mortati, Principal Consultant, Maria Mortati Experience Design to find out more about the new ways we can use interactive technology in these spaces.


Engineering Interactive Public Spaces for Health & Safety

During InfoComm 2020 Connected, Sasha Harris-Cronin of BBI Engineering and Maria Mortati of Maria Mortati Experience Design discussed how interactive and immersive elements in museums and public spaces will need to adapt due to concerns over health and safety. Their session produced some very thoughtful questions from attendees.


AV Is Key to Telling Stories From a Distance

Now that distance will be one of the key virtues in venue and event design, large-scale storytelling will take on even more relevance, and that will mean lots of AV.


How AV Integrators Fit Into the Experience Design Process

We asked eight talented experience designers to weigh in on the question, “How do AV integrators fit into the experience design process?”


8 New Ideas for Immersive Experiences

We asked eight designers, “What new ideas in immersive experiences are you most excited about?”


Podcast: How Museums Are Creating a New Narrative

One of the reasons we will return to public spaces is the search for a fuller sense of engagement. Remote life has us confined to separate and disembodied existences, communicating with each other primarily through the limited rectangles of video screens, in public spaces even the currents of air in outdoor spaces might provide new narrative information.


Experience Design Sessions You Can Still Watch from InfoComm 2020 Connected

The virtual show presented sessions on how to integrate content, space and audiovisual technology to enrich experiences. Now these sessions are available on demand! 

Upcoming Events
Introduction to Monitoring for Technology Managers

Embark on an introduction into the complex world of AV system monitoring.

Enterprise IT Power Hour: Mastering AV Transport Protocols

This session unpacks the critical transport protocols for AV, whether operating over LAN/WAN or through streaming technologies.

ISE 2025: AVIXA TV Livestream

The preview edition live from Hall 8.1. in Barcelona