If you are an Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association (AVIXA) member who wants to support women in our industry — no matter who you are — you are invited to join this council.


To provide a global community of AVIXA members and other professionals committed to supporting and empowering women who work in the technology and AV industry.

2025 Council Goals:

Empower the AVIXA Women’s Council Groups to accomplish the following:

  • Events Committee execute 4 virtual events quarterly: International Women's Day, 2025 Infocomm Lead Up, Fall Meet up and an end of the year wrap up.
  • Support the planning and execution of the AVIXA Women’s Breakfast at InfoComm25 and start planning for 2026.
  • The Local Group Committee- will review and update all resources for local group leaders on how to start and run their groups. This group will meet monthly with a task monthly to accomplish.

                        AVIXA Women’s Council Co-Chair

                          Brittney Antonelli, AVI Systems

Christina Cruzeiro Head ShotAVIXA Women’s Council Co-Chair   Christina Cruzeiro, Sharp Canada


AVIXA Women's Council Meeting

InfoComm25- AVIXA Women's Breakfast InfoComm25- AVIXA Women's Breakfast- Thursday, June 12- registration coming soon


Local Groups

Our Local Groups meet regularly in a local area to get together to learn, network and build lasting relationships with other women in the industry. These groups are still forming across the globe so if you are interested in starting one or joining an existing group, please fill out the interest form and we will get you connected!


Upcoming Events

Come Back Soon for Upcoming Events




Global Sponsor



Upcoming Events
CTS Prep Virtual Course - APAC

Conferencing and Collaboration Power Hour: The Next Evolution in the Modern Workplace

Learn key strategies and best practices for building sustainable workplaces and improving sustainability in conferencing and collaboration.

Broadcast AV Power Hour: Automatic Speech Recognition and Captioning

Understand the ASR-captioning ecosystem and how to harness its potential in the competitive and regulated digital landscape.