Internships in the AV Industry

The Importance of Internships

Avoid higher costs of training and onboarding new employees with well-designed internship program. A successful program can be major commitment of time and resources, but beneficial to companies in many ways. Be sure to have support at all levels of the company.

Employer-based learning experiences offer supervised practical applications related to academic study. Students, veterans, professionals transitioning fields all want ways to relate their interests to career goals. In the case of the AV industry these can be a great way to show them how many types of jobs exist.


  • Discover quality talent
  • Save time hiring
  • Low-cost option to reduce current employee workload
  • Improve unseen processes
  • Bring in fresh ideas
  • Develop stronger leaders and mentors within the company
  • Increase talent retention
  • Build more recruitment pipelines
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Enterprise IT Power Hour: Layer 2 and Helping AV

Built specifically for IT professionals looking to explore the latest AV concepts and techniques.

CTS-D Prep Virtual Classroom, Asia Pacific, May 2024

AVIXA Women's Council UK - Building Strong foundations for Career and Life - Liverpool

The AVIXA Women’s Council is returning to Liverpool! Join us on May 8th for an inspiring afternoon of learning and networking.