Streaming Platforms – A Look at How Audiences are Consuming Content

By Marcella Walsh
Content Manager

Everyone’s doing it, right? Streaming has become ubiquitous and so have the platforms that can be used, making it more complex to determine the right fit. You need to consider both the stream itself, but also how it’s being consumed. For our August Content Production and Streaming Power Hour, our moderator, Leon Prather, Manager, Digital Product Operations at AVIXA was joined by Kashaan Butt, Global Head of Solutions at Dreamtek, Sam Minish, VP Content Delivery at AVIXA and Alex Lindsay, Head of Operations at 090 Media to discuss these factors. Some of the main points were as follows:

  • Consider your needs for control and features, and balance that with your budgetary and resource constraints
  • There are basically three levels of platforms – social (low resource/low control), consumer (medium resource/medium control), and industrial (high resource/high control)
  • Make sure to accommodate or account for the needs of the major stakeholder groups – internal, audience, and contributors in order to create equitable experiences, but also manage your data and the security of the information

 View the entire conversation here: Streaming Platforms – A Look at How Audiences are Consuming Content


Marcella Walsh
AVIXA, Content Manager

With over 15 years of experience in marketing and communications, Marcella Walsh, Content Manager for AVIXA, develops both in-person and digital programs. She is always looking for new content ideas that highlight topics and trends of importance to the AV industry. Contact Marcella at [email protected] with your thoughts.