Single Channel Retail is Dead

CenterStageSingle-channel commerce is dying, and companies in retail – and other – sectors need to adapt to that new reality, according to speakers at InfoComm 2019.

Speaking this week at the event in Orlando, Florida, Cactus founder Noah Waxman told visitors, “Retail is not dying. Boring retail is dying.”

But he cautioned that consumers have a far less rigid view of what and where retail should be than many retailers understand.

“Don’t think about retail in a silo. It will blend into all types of physical environment,” he said. Cactus, a design agency, was founded with the objective of blending physical spaces with new technology in innovative ways.

Waxman’s co-presenter at Infocomm was Healey Cypher, CEO of transactional kiosk developer Zivelo and a former head of retail innovation at eBay.

Read the full article on Retail Design World