
If you're looking for a quick guide to how you can earn the number of renewal units (RUs) you need, check out this handy list.

Remember, if you are an Elite member, you can take any of these online courses for FREE! And, you don't have to take a whole course to earn RUs. You'll get credits for modules that you complete.

Need 1-10 CTS RUs?

You're almost there — close to the 30 RUs that you will need to renew! You might want to try a combination of the following to meet the requirement:

Need 11-19 CTS RUs?

You could take one three-day, in-person class or earn your RUs online with some of these options:

Need 20+ CTS RUs

Remember, you are not required to take any AVIXA classes to earn your RUs. Explore all of your renewal options and contact our Customer Service Team to customize your professional development plan to meet your career goals.

View your education history or CTS renewal transcript:

Log In To AVIXA's learning platform

Learn more about the renewal process and more RU options

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Enterprise IT Power Hour: Layer 2 and Helping AV

Built specifically for IT professionals looking to explore the latest AV concepts and techniques.

CTS-D Prep Virtual Classroom, Asia Pacific, May 2024

AVIXA Women's Council UK - Building Strong foundations for Career and Life - Liverpool

The AVIXA Women’s Council is returning to Liverpool! Join us on May 8th for an inspiring afternoon of learning and networking.