Online training open to all through June 12

As COVID-19 impacts our daily lives, much of our AV community is looking at extended home office time. As part of our commitment to the industry in these unprecedented times, AVIXA is opening online training* to all AV professionals, regardless of membership level.  

Effective immediately, we are waiving online access fees and Elite seat limitations through June 12. That means you and your entire team can now access AVIXA’s online training.

We hope this will give you and your team the opportunity to learn new topics, work toward CTS certification, or earn CTS-RUs if already CTS certified, even if you are home.

If you know anyone else who could benefit from this opportunity, please encourage them to participate at the link below.

Access online training

Note: If you are not an AVIXA member, you will be prompted to sign up as a free Basic member.

*Online training does not include instructor-led training, such as skills credentials and virtual classrooms.

Upcoming Events
CTS-D Prep Virtual Classroom, Asia Pacific, May 2024

AVIXA Women's Council UK - Building Strong foundations for Career and Life - Liverpool

The AVIXA Women’s Council is returning to Liverpool! Join us on May 8th for an inspiring afternoon of learning and networking.

Events and Entertainment Power Hour: Reducing Waste in Live Events

A foundational webinar tailored for professionals in the events industry seeking to align their practices with environmental sustainability.