Three Ways AV Technologies Can Improve the Bank Branch Customer Experience

Banking Landing Page 2The finance and banking industry was one of the first to adopt digital display technology, when digital stock tickers began replacing mechanical devices in the 1960s. Today, bank branches are finding that audiovisual (AV) technologies provide benefits far beyond displaying information and can directly benefit customer engagement and loyalty.

On-demand video calls are now a part of everyday life, and Bank of America has capitalized on this trend with its new Advanced Center branch concept that includes a digital concierge and private videoconferencing rooms. With zero employee input, the digital concierge automatically detects each arrival and then offers to connect the customer face-to-face with a virtual call center bank employee who can address their basic banking needs. This system delivers fast service for customers with a personal feel.

The private videoconferencing rooms allow customers to speak with local and national experts to discuss auto loans, mortgages, retirement and more. This helps to ease the on-site workload for branches, while giving customers access to remotely located experts they otherwise would not be able to contact.
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