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Joe' Lloyd

Joe' Lloyd

Joé Lloyd is the the Senior Director of Communications for AVIXA where she leads public relations and internal communications; as well as supports brand positioning, market intelligence, and content development for the audiovisual’s premier industry organization.

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InfoComm 2021 will take place October 23-29 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida

Today with practical health and safety guidelines we are prepared to provide an event 16 months in the making to serve the pro AV industry.


Better Is Not Good Enough: The Racial Pay Gap Still Exists

Race impacts pro AV recruiting and retention in numerous ways, with three main pillars being pay, advancement, and inclusion. The news on these fronts is mixed.


Pro AV: Are Women Fully Welcome?

As our data shows, women have not necessarily found their forever home with pro AV


It’s More Than Just Money: What You Need to Know About the Gender Pay Gap in Pro AV

Women in pro AV earn less than what men do but it's more than just money. Using statistics from government and other expert sources, this article seeks to pull back the veil of the gender pay gap in our industry and show why bringing pay equality for women in pro AV will benefit the companies who do it.